
What’s necessary to leave for a (bicycle) journey of unknown length, with an unknown final destination? How to prepare, what to pay attention to? What must not be missed under no circumstances in your luggage? From where do you get the best and most accurate information, which equipment is most suitable for planned and unforseen routes and countries? How do you deal with money and insurance and visa and ...

These and a lot of other questions arised when we started to plan our journey, and some of them are still not answered yet. These are also the questions we get often asked and most of the time the answers are as individual as the questioners themselves, their destination, their means of transport and their expectations. Therefore, we cannot provide any general answers here, let alone deliver a complete todo- or packing list. Each journey is unique and often it doesn’t take the turns as you planned it. If you wish to know something in particular, please feel free to drop us a line under Contact; we are happy to share our experiences with you. Or else, just do it as we mostly do, google through the interesting and informative travel pages on the web.

The most important thing to allow yourself into such a long journey is to let go. Be aware of what you are going to leave behind and what comes to an end. Only then you will be truly ready to plunge yourself with full vigour and joy into the new adventure. From this point onwards everything is only half as complicated because travelling has become really easy. You will find Internet almost everywhere, ATMs, bike shops and something to eat. Well, maybe not exactly everywhere and not exactly as organised as you are used from home. But what you certainly will find, wherever you go, are helpful and friendly people who would help you out of every tight spot. Trust in this and not in the thought of being prepared for any possible situation coming up or in the hope that you have the best equipment for every situation.

Therefore, here our tip: Let go, start off and be curious!

17.11.11 Geraldton, Australia

Western Australia – this is pure nature! Apparently, in endless dimensions at that! Not only ...
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From „Holy Ignorance“ by Olivier Roy

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