We were on the road for 2'115 days (5y 9m 20d)

Exploring the world - true to this motto we started in 2003. We travelled by tandem through parts of Africa and South America, the Middle East, Central Asia and via China/Nepal to Southeast and East Asia and finally Ocenania. After stopovers in Switzerland (2006) and Singapore (2008) we are again taking a break on this small busy island at the equator and are looking forward to your visit!

During the past years we got the chance to get to know kindhearted people, to cycle through lonely and breathtaking landscapes at temperatures ranging from minus 25 to plus 50 degrees, to visit busy cities and remote villages, to pedal over mountain passes and endless deserts, from 420m below to 5,897m above sea level, to travel by boat, bus, train, yacht, lorry, motorcycle, horse and on foot, wandering, wondering, exploring, admiring. In short, we could - and still can - enjoy our lives as globetrotters, travellers and guests of foreign countries, people and cultures. All this we would love to share with you on these few pages. We are pleased that you are taking part in our journey!

Latest travelogue

South Korea
9 January 2011 - 10 February 2011


Latest photo album

South Korea
9 January 2011 - 10 February 2011

South Korea

Random guestbook entry :

07.10.2003 from michael

hallo brö, hallo pat,
gerade selbst aus dem urlaub zurück musste ich doch direkt mal nachsehen, ob ihr wirklich schon unterwegs seid (und vielleicht schon die ersten reiseberichte zu finden sind).
und siehe da: ich glaub´s ja kaum. da haben wir (also zumindest mit dir, brö) schon soooo oft abschied gefeiert. und diesmal war ich bei eurer großen party verhindert und dachte noch, ich schaffe es sicher noch vorher euch byebye zu sagen. und dann - planmäßig seid ihr auf und davon.
ich gönn´s euch von herzen und brö, du weißt wovon ich spreche, wenn ich sage: toll, so eine "auszeit"!
ich wünsche euch viele supergute erlebnisse. schöne und (das gehört auch dazu) anstrengende, denn die geschichte wird mit goldenem pinsel geschrieben.
viel, viel viel spaß, nette bekanntschaften und ich denke ich bin nicht alleine, wenn ich mir wenig sorgen um euch machen muß. denn wer euch kennt weiß, daß ihr sicher überall mit offenen armen empfangen werdet.
schöne grüße und kommt gesund wieder --- michael

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Patriza Patricia Pat Benigno and Bruno Brö Bro Müller Muller a Swiss couple from Luzern Lucerne are on the road since 2003. Traveling by tandem bike bicycle with carrier around the world. A world travel cycling bike tour trip through all continents. They tell their story on this web site in a travel journal travelogue blog diary road book together with photo album gallery photos pictures route map. Apart from cycling biking they did mountaineering sailing horseback riding trekking diving. On this page you'll find information on equipment gear tips and tricks. Visited continents and regions: Europe Asia Oceania North America South America Antarctica Africa Middle East Central Asia Southeast Asia. Visited countries: Switzerland Italy Madagascar Kenya Tanzania Malawi Zambia Botswana Namibia South Africa Antarctica Argentina Chile Bolivia Peru Ecuador Greece Turkey Syria Jordan Egypt Oman United Arab Emirates Iran Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan China Tibet Nepal Philippines Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Laos Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Japan South Korea New Zealand Australia.

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